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A Call To New India


Sri Aurobindo: A Call to New India

Film Style

A short Animation Film


Based on the 5 Dreams of Sri Aurobindo

Release Date

15th August 2025

Our Inspiration

After introducing Sri Aurobindo’s involvement with the freedom struggle of India and the Role of Integral Yoga in India’s & world’s future through the Film “Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn”, we are making another Film to share the message of Sri Aurobindo given to India on the eve of its independence (14th August 1947), when a new nation – but in reality one of the oldest living civilisations that got disconnected with its own roots & strengths – was born at a time when the whole world had just gone through two world wars and moving towards further chaos. 

When Sri Aurobindo’s Message was aired through All India Radio, Tiruchirapalli, back then, it hardly reached the masses and eventually got lost in the tracks of history. 

Today, the world situation has not changed much and its relevance has only increased. Sri Aurobindo's message in the form of Five Dreams gives a New Hope to the people of India who are grappling with the challenges of the modern times. The Message is an inspiration to work towards bridging the gap between today's reality and the future ideal, and how all of us can make it happen by the roadmap given by Sri Aurobindo.

For Whom Are We Making This Film? 

​​The film is aimed at achieving this singular goal of taking Sri Aurobindo’s 5 Dreams to the masses and more so, the youth of India. The film is also a call to all those who are seeking a higher life and turning more and more towards India, for its Yoga.

We want to ensure that this Message, in Sri Aurobindo’s own words, reaches all Indians in a simple, relatable and visually inspiring way.

Film Style & Duration

​​This will be a 

  • short Animation Film, a combination of 2D & 3D styles, of a high artistic quality and aesthesis—it will be a synthesis of inspired words, art, and music

  • technically & technologically on par with international standards


​Full film will be ready for release on 15th August 2025.

Produced By

​​The Film is produced by Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry. The entire funds for the Film will be raised through donations from well-wishers. 

The Project Team comprises members of Sri Aurobindo Society & Volunteers from Auroville. This is an offering to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother by all of us who work for the realisation of Their vision.

Film Budget

​​The full project cost will be INR 1.60 Crores (incl. GST).

Film Director and Production Studio

​​The film is commissioned to Studio Eeksaurus in Mumbai, who are well established in this field with many international and national awards such as Annecy, New York Television awards, Asia Pacific Adfest awards, Cannes Lions, Teheran International Animation Festival and the National Film Award (twice), to name a few. The director and lead animator of the film, Suresh Eriyath, is the founder of the studio with 20 years of experience. They have already made our first film ‘Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn’. 

Contact us for any further details regarding this Project.  


Behind the Scenes at Studio Eeksaurus, Mumbai 

The creative journey is unfolding with great energy at Studio Eeksaurus! Get an exclusive look at the magic behind the scenes, have a glimpse of the artists at work in creating the Storyboard.

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